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Apex Legends tier list - best Legends for Season 20

With the Apex Legends Season 20 update shaking things up, here are the top Legends to use, tested and ranked after the Legend upgrades.

Looking for an Apex Legends tier list? Each Legend has its own set of skills, playstyle, and personality, with plenty of choice for every type of player. With 25 characters to pick from, you have options to pick between aggressive, defensive, or offensive Legends to build the perfect team.

Your ideal Apex Legends choice could depend on your strengths and weaknesses; experience, game sense, movement skills, and aim all factor in, as does your squad composition and whether you’re playing with friends or a team of strangers. That said, although all the characters are relatively balanced, some Legends have pulled away from the pack due to their powerful abilities, and some are more niche, as you can see if you look at the pick rates. Our Apex Legends tier list aims to give you a quick look at the current Legend meta in one of the best free PC games out there.

We’ve ordered the Apex Legends characters in order of general effectiveness, to help you decide who to play if you’re after a big win. We’re aiming this list at the average player who has a reasonable grasp of the game, but we’ll also point out the best characters for absolute beginners, and mention the ones you’ll see in top-tier competitive play.

Here is the Apex Legends tier list for Season 20:

Tier Legend
S Catalyst, Valkyrie, Conduit, Wattson, Mad Maggie
A Bangalore, Caustic, Crypto, Fuse, Horizon, Lifeline, Loba, Newcastle, Pathfinder, Wraith
B Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Octane, Revenant
C Mirage, Vantage, Rampart
D Ash, Seer, Ballistic

S Tier

The best characters in the game, expect to run into one of these fighters in every match you play.

Apex Legends tier list: Apex Legends character Catalyst sits on her throne made from ferrofluid


  • Tactical Ability: Piercing Spikes
    Throw out a patch of ferrofluid which turns into spikes when enemies are near. Catalyst remains immune to enemy spikes.
  • Passive Ability: Barricade
    Reinforce doors, strengthening them and locking them to enemies. Spaces, where doors have been destroyed, can also be reinforced.
  • Ultimate Ability: Dark Veil
    Raise a permeable wall of ferrofluid. Enemies who walk through it will be slowed and partially blinded for a brief time.

Perhaps the ultimate defensive legend, Catalyst can lock down a structure for you and your team, and ensure that any team who decides to push you won’t live to regret it. Catalyst has seen a lot of play since her release, with players trying to get to grips with her kit. She pairs well with legends like Wattson, and if you find yourself inside a building as the last circle collapses, you’ll have no trouble at all securing the win.

All of her abilities, if used together, can completely close off an avenue of approach for your enemies, as not only does she have the capability to lock doors behind your squad, but place traps should your opponents persist with the chase.

Catalyst’s ultimate ability, Dark Veil, may seem to be nothing but a defensive tool, but the chaos it can cause when used in the middle of a firefight can disorient the enemy long enough for you to mow them down. The Apex Legends community was impressed by Catalyst initially, and as time has gone on she has shown defensive control, aggressive pushing, rotation from her Ultimate, and no real skill gaps. With the Season 20 upgrades she can now throw traps further, place more traps, and has a longer Ultimate duration making her a solid choice.

Valkyrie activating her Missile Swarm tactical ability


  • Tactical Ability: Missile Swarm
    Fire 12 mini-rockets in a rectangular grid to damage and stun nearby enemies.
  • Passive Ability: VTOL Jets
    Hover in the air using VTOL jets by holding jump for a short period.
  • Ultimate Ability: Skyward Dive
    Launch into the air and skydive to a new location. Valkyrie can bring her teammates with her before taking off.

While there are a lot of characters in Apex Legends with impressive traversal abilities, only Valkyrie can fly around the map. This powerful ability puts Valkyrie into a class of her own as she can access areas that are locked off to everyone else. To get the most out of Valkyrie, players need a deep understanding of each map to spot any potential opportunities.

Valkyrie’s ultimate ability allows her to redeploy, along with her teammates, to a different location. When you’re running low on resources, or your squad has been unlucky with the available ground loot, having the option to jet off to a completely different spot is a godsend. Skyward Dive allows you to get out of situations where your squad has next to no chance of surviving. Valkyrie’s upgrades mean her previous speed nerfs are now negated, making her more OP than ever.


  • Tactical Ability: Radiant Transfer
    Send a surge of energy to a teammate, generating temporary shields for them and Conduit when in danger.
  • Passive Ability: Savior’s Speed
    Gain a burst of speed when running toward a teammate out of Tactical range.
  • Ultimate Ability: Energy Barricade
    Deploy an array of shield-jamming devices that damage and slow enemies.

After a few seasons without any new legends, Conduit is the latest support character to join the game in Season 19. Her abilities are focused on providing temporary shields to both teammates and herself, perfect for staying alive during tense combat situations. She also comes with a passive ability that, depending on your team, is almost always active. This makes her fun to play as you move faster when searching for loot, but when it comes time to fight you slow back down to normal.

Her ultimate ability, Energy Barricade, reminds us of Bangalore’s ultimate which is designed to deal damage and slow enemy targets. This can become deadly when using long-range weapons as the slow-down effect plants enemies into the ground until they can get out of it. Conduit borrows elements from characters like Bangalore and Lifeline to create a strong support character, making her one of the best Legends in the game.

Wattson, one of the best legends in Apex Legends


  • Tactical Ability: Perimeter Security
    Connect nodes to create electrified fences that damage and slow enemies.
  • Passive Ability: Spark of Genius
    Ultimate Accelerants fully charge your Ultimate Ability, and you can carry two per inventory slot. Standing near interception pylons dramatically boosts your Tactical Ability recharge.
  • Ultimate Ability: Interception Pylon
    Place an electrified pylon that destroys incoming ordnance and repairs damaged shields as long as it stands. (Max: 3)

Wattson, the Static Defender, is the ideal choice for those who want to play it safe and bunker down. The strategy with Wattson is to pick a building and decorate it lovingly with fences – you’ll want to cover all the doors and place some diagonal fences inside too. You can also lay a fence across a Wraith’s portal to trip your enemies up if they try to burst out of one and surprise you.

In the event of enemy activity on your position, you’ll activate your Ultimate ability, which makes your fortress very difficult to attack. To make sure you have it when you need it, you should always carry at least one Ultimate Accelerant; more if you have the space. You can’t rely on your toolkit, though, as eventually enemies will traipse through your fence and you’ll have to shoot them in the face, so a good close-range gun is a must. Wattson is also a Low Profile hero who takes an extra 5% damage, but you should still have the upper hand on foes that try to invade your personal space.

Wattson’s upgrades are, frankly, ridiculous. With double Ultimate and health she is almost indestructible. To completely lock down an area, Wattson is irreplaceable.

Mad Maggie looking directly ahead as she runs past the bombs targeting the ground in Apex Legends

Mad Maggie

  • Tactical Ability: Warlord’s Ire
    Any enemies Mad Maggie damages are temporarily highlighted, and she moves faster while holding a shotgun.
  • Passive Ability: Riot Drill
    Launch a drill that burns through structures and shields.
  • Ultimate Ability: Wrecking Ball
    Unleash a ball that fires off speed-boosting pads and detonates near enemies. Use the speed pads to chase your enemies down while your ultimate tracks them down.

On paper, Mad Maggie’s abilities put her in the perfect position to alter the meta by providing a counter to Gibraltar’s dome shield. Moving from B to S Tier in Season 20, Mad Maggie is one of the biggest jumps up the tier list that we’ve ever seen.

With some upgrades being added that could be nice to have, there also exist upgrades that entirely shift the way the game plays out, and Mad Maggie gets two of these. She can now hold not just one, but two Riot Drills, creating huge pressure on any opposing team. Her Wrecking Ball Ultimate also no longer gets destroyed upon the first impact, meaning you can continue to chase down enemies.



A Tier

Though not quite as good as the S Tier characters, these Legends are formidable and can be deadly when played correctly.

One of the best legends in Apex Legends, Wraith


  • Tactical Ability: Into the Void
    Reposition quickly through the safety of void space, avoiding all damage.
  • Passive Ability: Voices from the Void
    A voice warns you when danger approaches. As far as you can tell, it’s on your side.
  • Ultimate Ability: Dimensional Rift
    Link two locations with portals for 60 seconds, allowing your entire team to use them.

Interdimensional skirmisher Wraith is one of the most popular characters in Apex Legends, and it’s not just because she has really cool-looking eyes. Wraith’s mobility skills are incredibly useful, and she has a very small hitbox. Wraith’s toolkit is perfect for aggressive plays, while also providing a safe way out if she needs to disengage.

Your portal skill, Dimensional Rift, is one of the best abilities in the game, with endless strategic possibilities. It can be used to save a downed teammate, to quickly get a respawned teammate geared up, or to set up an escape for anticipated engagements where you can retreat through the portal, heal, snipe them if you’re feeling cheeky, and dive back in. Wraith can be difficult to master, but we’d recommend her to relative beginners because even as you’re learning, her toolkit offers multiple methods of escape for when you find yourself at a disadvantage.

Apex Legends new Legend: Newcastle holding a shield above his head before launching it into the ground


  • Tactical Ability: Mobile Shield
    Throw a deployable drone that transforms into a portable mobile shield
  • Passive Ability: Retrieve the Wounded
    Newcastle can drag and protect downed allies to safety while reviving them at the same time
  • Ultimate Ability: Castle Wall
    Jump towards a target and instantly spawn a building held together with several armored walls

Introduced in Apex Legends Season 13, Newcastle has made a splash to the legend meta already with his impressive defensive abilities. From a competitive perspective, Newcastle doesn’t quite have what it takes to overthrow Gibraltar from the top, but he’s still strong enough to land directly in A tier so quickly.

Newcastle’s ultimate ability, Castle Wall, allows him to leap across great distances to reach his target. This is particularly strong on Stormpoint which contains several empty areas that are in desperate need of some protection. We can’t say for certain that Newcastle deserves to belong in the highest tier just yet, but we’ll continue to monitor his performance to see whether professional teams begin to alter their squad compositions.

Horizon in Apex Legends


  • Tactical Ability: Gravity Lift
    Reverses the flow of gravity, lifting players upwards and boosting them outwards when they exit.
  • Passive Ability: Spacewalk
    Increase air control and reduce fall impacts with Horizon’s custom spacesuit.
  • Ultimate Ability: Black Hole
    Deploy NEWT to create a micro black hole that pulls players in towards it, and hits them with a gravitation blast at the end.

The last few additions to the Apex Legends roster haven’t had a drastic impact on the game, but Horizon has put a stop to that trend with her unique abilities. The Spacewalk passive ability gives her better mobility than most of the cast, and it pairs extremely well with the latest map, Olympus. The only Legend that features better mobility than Horizon is Pathfinder, and even then you could make the argument that Horizon is technically better overall.

Large maps that feature tall buildings suit Horizon perfectly as she can navigate structures with multiple layers with ease thanks to her tactical ability, Gravity Lift. This ability can be used both offensively to gain the higher ground, or used defensively to send your enemies in the air. With a short cooldown of just 15 seconds, you should be able to use Gravity Lift at least twice during a fight to give your team an advantage.

One of the legends in Apex Legends, Crypto


  • Tactical Ability: Surveillance Drone
    Deploy an aerial drone that allows you to view the surrounding area from above. If the drone is destroyed, there is a forty-second cooldown before you can deploy another.
  • Passive Ability: Neurolink
    Enemies detected by the Surveillance Drone within 30 meters of your position are marked for you and your teammates to see.
  • Ultimate Ability: Drone EMP
    Your Surveillance Drone sets off an EMP blast that deals shield damage, slows enemies, and disables traps.

Crypto is geared around acquiring intelligence regarding your surroundings and using that info to take the best fights and ensure your safety. He’s best used with a squad that works together to make the most of his skills. You’ll be deploying your Surveillance Drone regularly, piloting it up to 200 meters away and pinging out enemy locations and items.

Crypto’s passive, Neurolink, makes it even easier for you to identify enemies because of the Drone, even when you’re not actively piloting it (so you can park it up to keep vision up of an area). However, the critical downside of the drone is that while you’re away with the fairies, your corporeal form is standing there like a lemon, totally vulnerable to somebody bursting in, knocking the joystick out of your hands, and shooting you in the head.

Lifeline, one of the best Legends in Apex Legends


  • Tactical Ability: D.O.C. Heal Drone
    Call your Drone of Compassion to automatically heal nearby teammates over time.
  • Passive Ability: Combat Medic
    Lifeline calls in her drone to revive a teammate – this ability was nerfed in Season 9 to remove the protective shield while a teammate is being revived
  • Ultimate Ability: Care Package
    Call in a drop pod full of high-quality defensive gear.

Lifeline, the Combat Medic, is a good choice if you like your teammates and want to use all your abilities to make them happy. Your Heal Drone is most useful after fights while you’re looting, but should be used as much as possible off cooldown if your team needs healing while you’re temporarily stationary. You can also headbutt it around a little to move it but this takes practice. The Drone took its Hippocratic robo-oath very seriously and will heal nearby enemies as well – don’t give that little traitor the chance.

Your passive protects you while you revive your teammates; meaning as soon as one of your squad goes down you should leap in like the hero you are and bring them back to their feet. If you’re lucky enough to find a gold backpack, your patient will also receive an extra 50 health and 75 shields once they’re up, meaning they’re back in the fight straight away. You can also leave D.O.C. on resurrection duties so you can get back in the fight while your teammate is receiving attention. It’s also of greater value to you to use shield cells to top up during battle because of your faster healing rate.





Fuse walking away from a grenade explosion


  • Passive Ability: Grenadier
    Grenades can be stacked in piles of two instead of the usual one. Fuse can launch grenades using his arm cannon, firing ordnance faster, further, and more accurately compared to the other Legends.
  • Tactical Ability: Knuckle Cluster
    Launch a cluster bomb that deals damage on impact before turning into several smaller explosives. This ability can inflict self-damage, so it’s important to avoid follow-up explosives.
  • Ultimate Ability: The Motherlode
    Launch a mortar in mid-air that encircles the target in a wall of flame. This explosive explodes in the air, taking a few seconds for the flames to land before dealing damage.

Fuse can utilize ordnance in a way like no other Legend can thanks to his unique passive abilities. Not only can he stack grenades in his inventory, he can also launch ordnance much further and faster. This has proven to be extremely effective at mid to long-range as Fuse can land grenade hits in areas that no one else can. Against defensive teams, Fuse’s ability to bombard an area with grenades can be deadly… as long as they don’t have a Wattson with her ultimate at the ready.

Knuckle Cluster is a decent alternative to throwing actual grenades, but it’s difficult to land every hit as most enemies can move out of the way. You can force each hit of the Knuckle Cluster to land by using Horizon’s Black Hole ability, but that’s not worth doing for just 50 damage. Unfortunately, Fuse’s ultimate also isn’t a viable option to use alongside Black Hole as the radius is far too large to damage targets in a specific area.


  • Tactical Ability: Grappling Hook
    Grapple to get to out-of-reach places quickly.
  • Passive Ability: Insider Knowledge
    Scan a survey beacon to reveal the ring’s next location, which also decreases your Zipline Gun cooldown by 10 seconds.
  • Ultimate Ability: Zipline Gun
    Create a zipline for everyone to use.

How the mighty have fallen. Pathfinder, the forward scout, is a zippy information-gathering robot who swings around the map providing team mobility and chirpy, endearing quips. You may well have heard how frustrating it is to try and hit the lanky clanker; to counter his small hitbox, Pathfinder – like Wraith – has the Low Profile attribute which increases the damage received by 5%.

The Grappling Hook is an incredible mobility tool; beginners will still be able to benefit from its repositioning abilities, but with enough practice, the hook becomes so versatile you’ll be propelling yourself all over the map at breakneck speed. In combat, you’ll want to use your mobility to distract and flank your enemies, allowing your teammates to gun them down while they watch your aerial ballet. However, its cooldown has been nerfed multiple times, making it less useful than it once was. Now, it’ll take between 10 – 35 seconds to recharge, depending on how far you grappled.



  • Tactical Ability: Burglar’s Best Friend
    Throw your bracelet to teleport to another spot on the map.
  • Passive Ability: Eye for Quality
    You can see epic and legendary loot through walls.
  • Ultimate Ability: Black Market Boutique
    Place a device that lets you teleport nearby loot to your inventory.

Loba is the looting queen. Her tactical ability allows her to teleport across the map for a quick reposition (or to beat your teammates to a supply drop), however, it’s not without its problems. While most bugs have been fixed, her bracelet still sometimes struggles to go through open windows, and some inconspicuous areas of King’s Canyon are a no-go for some reason.

Being able to see loot through walls is a useful ability, but it doesn’t extend to loot ticks or death boxes, despite the fact they often contain epic and legendary items. But Loba is most useful when she deploys her ultimate – which starts the game 50% charged – and you can loot to your heart’s content. You and your teammates can each take two items from the surrounding 113m radius. You can take items from inside locked Vaults, but beware. Only Loba can take these, and you’ll set off the alarms, alerting all nearby enemies to your nimble-fingered presence. You’ll also only be able to take one item before your boutique explodes, so choose carefully.

Caustic, one of the best legends in Apex Legends, and his plumes of noxious gas.


  • Tactical Ability: Nox Gas Trap
    Drop canisters that release deadly Nox gas when shot or triggered by enemies.
  • Passive Ability: Nox Vision
    Allows you to see enemies through your gas.
  • Ultimate Ability: Nox Gas Grenade
    Blankets a large area in Nox gas.

Caustic has recently grown in popularity thanks to a series of (mostly clown-themed) Legendary skins and the release of his heirloom, a giant gaseous hammer. Caustic’s ability lets him drop up to six gas canisters on the map, which emits a gas that damages enemies’ health by increasing increments every second. It also slows both enemies and teammates, because nobody has the nose to endure such an offensive emission.

Caustic also has a deadly Nox Gas Grenade that works exactly like a gas trap – just over a wider area. Throw one into the battle to deal damage to your foes, and make use of Caustic’s Fortified status to soak up any return damage.

apex legends legends best ranked bangalore


  • Tactical Ability: Smoke Launcher
    Fire a high-velocity smoke canister that explodes into a smoke wall on impact.
  • Passive Ability: Double Time
    Taking fire while sprinting makes you move faster for a brief time.
  • Ultimate Ability: Rolling Thunder
    Call in an artillery strike that slowly creeps across the landscape.

Bangalore is a solid, well-rounded legend with a good set of abilities that aren’t too difficult to use effectively – perfect for beginners, but tricky to justify at higher levels. Her smoke canister has two charges and is best used to create cover and concealment between Bang (yes, that’s what we’re calling her) and the enemy; she can use healing items while throwing the canister, too, making this an efficient way to heal up. The smoke can also allow you to loot or revive safely. When running away, fire the smoke slightly ahead of you so it’ll go off as you run into it, allowing you to take a big lungful of fumes in lieu of a lungful of lead. You should chuck a cloud over the top of any vulnerable teammates who could use the time to heal up.

Bangalore’s passive, Double Time, gives you a speed boost when sprinting under fire, which you can use to make it safely into cover or to return fire whilst being harder to hit. Rolling Thunder, the artillery strike, isn’t as powerful as Gibraltar’s similarly bombastic ultimate but is still a good way to provide cover and chase the enemy out of their hiding spots so you can shoot them.

B Tier

B Tier characters typically need a strong team to get the most out of their abilities. If you spot one of the characters, you will probably run into someone who synergizes well with them.

apex legends legends best ranked bloodhound


  • Tactical Ability: Eye of the Allfather
    Briefly reveal hidden enemies, traps, and clues throughout the structures in front of you.
  • Passive Ability: Tracker
    See tracks left behind by your foes.
  • Ultimate Ability: Beast of the Hunt
    Enhances your senses, allowing you to move faster and highlighting your prey.

If you’re brutally skilled at shooting, you’ll do very well with Bloodhound (also, well done to you). Their passive ability shows you if enemies have passed through nearby locations within the last 90 seconds – you can, and should, ping this information out to your team to let them know the trail is hot. Once you’ve identified a building you suspect is harboring hostiles, activating Eye of the Allfather will show you and your squadmates any enemies and traps that lie in a 125-degree cone in front of you – whilst also notifying them that you’ve scanned them.

Once activated, Beast of the Hunt makes you super fast and highlights your prey in red, so you can see them even through smoke or gas. Every time you down an enemy, the duration of Beast of the Hunt is extended for anywhere between five to fifteen seconds, meaning you can chain kills indefinitely and leave a trail of victims crawling around in the mud.

Gibraltar, one of the strongest legends in Apex Legends


  • Tactical Ability: Dome of Protection
    Throw down a dome shield that blocks attacks for 12 seconds. Healing items are 15% faster within the dome.
  • Passive Ability: Gun Shield
    Aiming down sights deploys a gun shield that blocks incoming fire.
  • Ultimate Ability: Defensive Bombardment
    Call in a concentrated mortar strike on a marked position.

Gibraltar is a large boi. He also has the Fortified passive, meaning he takes 15% less damage, which translates to being able to tank an extra shot – in a 1v1 scenario where you’re otherwise evenly matched, this gives you the edge. His passive ability, Gun Shield, gives him an energy shield with 75 health covering his upper body while he’s aiming down sights – crouch to cover your vulnerable little knees and you’ll be tough to take down. Please note that the Gun Shield is luminous orange, so if you’re trying to hide your hulking frame then you should disable your shield with H.

The Dome of Protection seems like a sanctuary of safety, shielding you from enemy fire, but be aware – it blocks shots from both directions, so you can’t attack advancing enemies until they pop their heads into the Thunderdome. It’s not subtle, so if you use it to protect yourself when you’re weak, it’s akin to raising a big shiny flag saying ‘free kills this way’.

Octane, one of the best characters in Apex Legends


  • Tactical Ability: Stim
    Move 30% faster for six seconds. Costs health to use.
  • Passive Ability: Swift Mend
    Automatically restores health over time.
  • Ultimate Ability: Launch Pad
    Deploy a jump pad that catapults teammates through the air.

Octane, the adrenaline junkie, is a slippery fish who is hard to catch. His Stim ability costs you 10 health but gives you a temporary speed boost that is excellent for repositioning or flanking in a fight. You should also use it at the start of each match to give you a huge advantage in looting so you can secure your landing spot as fast as possible.

Take your teammates’ loot before they can get to it – that’s the Octane spirit. The Stim’s health cost isn’t lethal; using it when you’re under 10 health won’t make you keel over instantly and leave you twitching in a puddle, so if you need to escape in an emergency you should use it to retreat. Try to strafe while stimming to make yourself harder to hit. If you’ve got nifty movement skills, it’s possible to bunny hop whilst healing after using a stim – a tricky move to master, but one that could end up saving your life.

Revenant, the newest legend in Apex Legends, takes his place in the Apex Legends Tier List


  • Tactical Ability: Silence
    Throw a device that deals damage and disables enemy abilities for 20 seconds.
  • Passive Ability: Stalker
    You crouch-walk faster and can climb higher than other Legends.
  • Ultimate Ability: Death Totem
    Drop a totem that protects those who use it from death for a set amount of time. Instead of being killed or downed, users will return to the totem.

Revenant has become more and more useful as the Apex Legends meta has got more aggressive (looking at you, Bloodhound). His Silence tactical is very useful – it prevents enemies from activating their tactical and ultimate abilities (note that it doesn’t prevent passives from activating or interrupting abilities that have already been activated). It affects you as well, so beware of throwing it too close. You can chuck out a grenade at the same time for added impact, or use it to prevent foes from pushing through a door or corridor while you heal up.

Crouch-walking faster is helpful because crouch-walking makes no noise, allowing you to sneak up on your enemies. ADS while crouch-walking to move even faster. The climbing buff is good in city fights, but it still has nothing on Pathfinder’s grapple.











C Tier

There’s nothing stopping anyone from using any of these legends, but it’s clear that they have some weaknesses working against them.

Mirage, a legend in Apex Legends


  • Tactical Ability: Psyche Out
    Send out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy, which you can control with H.
  • Passive Ability: Encore!
    Turn invisible when downed, reviving, and respawning teammates.
  • Ultimate Ability: Life of the Party
    Deploy a team of six controllable Decoys to distract enemies.

Mirage’s gimmick lets him send out decoys to confuse the enemy, unfortunately, the decoys aren’t particularly confusing. Nevertheless, they can still be used tactically to some advantage – they can scout out traps and block shots, and the cooldown is low so use them as much as you can If you’re entering a building, send a decoy in ahead of your squad to see if you can bait out any reactive fire. Pressing H makes them controllable, meaning they mimic your movements and make them seem more realistic. This leads to Mirage being able to bamboozle more enemies than ever before but isn’t useful for much other than scouting.

Mirage’s passive has gotten more useful after a series of buffs. Now, Mirage is a great pick when reviving or respawning teammates, as both you and your teammate will be invisible, which can be useful in a pinch. However, there are several little giveaways that enemies can look out for to mitigate the passive buff.

Your ultimate is also useful in close-range firefights – use it to escape in a chaotic fight or to move aggressively. You’ll cloak for a second before your decoys are deployed, and opponents will be easily confused by the seven Mirages bobbing around the area. In general, the decoys are best used in a manic fight between multiple squads to sow confusion and distress.

Mirage’s upgrades for Season 20 failed to address the overwhelming problem he presents – his power is dependent on the enemy skill level. The ability to spam his tactical ability now is a welcome improvement, and being able to revive allies with 75 health is obviously useful, but Mirage is far from the best support Legend on the roster.




  • Tactical Ability: Amped Cover
    Build a crouch-cover wall that deploys an amped wall above it, which blocks incoming fire and amps outgoing shots.
  • Passive Ability: Modded Loader
    Increased magazine capacity and reload speed when using LMGs.
  • Ultimate Ability: Emplaced Minigun “Sheila”
    Deploy a mounted machine gun that rapidly fires devastating bullets.

Rampart was introduced in Season 6 and has received numerous buffs to finally move her out of the bottom tier. More recently, Rampart received a buff to her tactical ability reducing its cooldown. Her cover is useful if you find yourself in a fight with nowhere to hide, however, it can be easily destroyed while it is setting itself up, so your best bet is to fortify a position before a firefight.

Combine the amped cover with Sheila for ultimate annihilation, but beware of third parties. Sheila takes two seconds to get her barrels spinning, and she is incredibly loud while doing so – the perfect invitation for third parties to hit you from the flank, outside of the emplaced minigun’s firing circle.

Rampart seemed completely missed by Respawn in terms of her upgrades, and they all revolve around her Ultimate. She is useful for her walls, but these have been overlooked in the fine-tuning. Rampart is one of the Legends that seems to have been kept largely the same as before the upgrades were introduced.

Apex Legends Best Ranked: Vantage wielding her custom sniper rifle on King's Canyon


  • Tactical Ability: Echo Relocation
    Position your winged companion Echo on the battlefield to launch toward him. You have to be able to see Echo to launch.
  • Passive Ability: Spotter’s Lens
    Aim down the sights of your eyepiece (unarmed) or a long-range scope to identify key details about enemy targets.
  • Ultimate Ability: Sniper’s Mark
    Equip your custom sniper rifle to track enemy targets and apply a team-wide damage bonus to every tracked enemy.

Vantage’s kit may look like it has been designed specifically for snipers, but you don’t have to break out the old tent and binoculars to get the most out of Season 15’s legend. Unlike a traditional sniper, Vantage can utilize her tactical ability to reach areas that are out of bounds for most characters. While you can use this as an opportunity to hunker down and highlight enemies using her passive ability, nothing is stopping you from playing aggressively as you hunt down new targets.

Speaking of Vantage’s passive ability, Spotter’s Lens can be game-defining when used in ranked play thanks to the amount of information it provides. Once you take a close look at an enemy target, the HUD displays the number of people left on the enemy team, what type of armor they’re wearing, and your distance from the target. This can be crucial as you approach the final moments in a match, providing vital information to let you know whether the odds are stacked against you.

Finally, Vantage’s ultimate is unique in that you can utilize it before reaching 100%. Landing a shot with this bullet automatically tags your target, showing your team exactly where the enemy is. This isn’t the best sniper rifle in the game, but it’s a great option to open fights as you can focus fire on the same targeted enemy.

Her upgrade allows her to do damage and then relocate, which sounds interesting but probably won’t be all that useful, or even used in the heat of an intense gunfight.


D Tier

D Tier is home to the underwhelming Legends. The ones that are fine to choose if you’ve mastered them, but shouldn’t be opted for by beginners or anyone looking to master a new Legend. With the Season 20 upgrades, some of these are a huge deviation from previous tier list rankings.


  • Tactical Ability: Arc Snare
    Hurl a spinning snare toward a rival squad. If an enemy is caught in the snare, they take damage and suffer from limited mobility for three seconds.
  • Passive Ability: Marked for Death
    Ash’s map reveals the location of nearby death boxes. Using her sword, Ash can mark the locations of the surviving attacking players.
  • Ultimate Ability: Phase Breach
    Ash creates a phase portal using her sword to a targeted location. Unlike Wraith, this portal only spawns in straight lines.

Ash features highly aggressive abilities, making her a popular pick in casual and ranked play. At the highest level, Ash isn’t a go-to pick, but this has more to do with teams preferring to play with a defensive mindset first and foremost.

Ash’s passive ability is so powerful that you can create brand-new strategies never before seen in Apex Legends. As soon as a death box appears on Ash’s map, players recognize right away that a fight has taken place and that more people could continue to die. If you pair Ash alongside characters like Valkyrie and Seer, you can travel around the map quickly and spot potential threats from a distance. This gives Ash and her team a chance to swoop in while everyone has low health, creating an easy opportunity to rack up numerous kills.

With all that said, her upgrades don’t feel like they’ll have an impact on the game as a whole. Her snare being able to be placed on the ground for 24 seconds could make some interesting tactics. Ash, if she is tweaked, could be bumped up our tier list, especially if attention is given to her Ultimate.

Seer touching his blue hat after shooting an enemy in Apex Legends Season 10


  • Tactical Ability: Focus of Attention
    When facing the direction of enemies within 75m, Seer can hear and visualize the heartbeats of his opponents.
  • Passive Ability: Heart Seeker
    Seer sends out micro-drones directly ahead of him, marking the location, health, and shields of any nearby enemies. This ability also deals ten damage and stops enemies from healing, reviving, and interrupts all abilities.
  • Ultimate Ability: Exhibit
    Seer throws out a projection of hundreds of micro-drones, giving him and his party the ability to see enemies running within his dome.

Seer is the only Legend whose upgrades for Season 20 don’t give too much. His passive is good, and being able to relay intel is helpful, but his ultimate doesn’t have the effect that it once did. For combat and general gameplay, Seer isn’t a first-pick anymore.

A grey haired man, Ballistic of Apex Legends, fixes his bionic wrist and looks to the left of the camera.


  • Passive Ability: Sling
    Store a third weapon in the sling. Access via inventory or Character Utility Action. The sling weapon cannot take attachments.
  • Tactical Ability: Whistler
    Shoots a projectile that heats an enemy’s gun as they shoot. Overheating causes damage.
  • Ultimate Ability: Tempest
    When activated, nearby teammates get faster reloads, faster unarmed move speed, and infinite ammo. Ballistic’s sling weapon will be equipped and upgraded to gold.

Ballistic appears to be both assault and semi-support at first glance. Skilled players will be able to take full advantage of his ultimate ability, dragging their teammates along for the ride as they get buffed for battle.

The third weapon can be useful to have in a pinch, but as it cannot take attachments, you’re best keeping that in mind for when you do pop Ballistic’s ultimate ability. The Whistler ability can also be devastating in the right hands, limiting your opponent’s ability to fight back is a powerful tool indeed.

In reality, you’re sacrificing team support, movement, or ability benefits that other Legends offer. Ballistic did get some nice buffs to his weapon, and a 90-metre extension to his ultimate radius, but if you’re this far from your team it’s likely you’re not changing the game in a positive way.

That concludes our Apex Legends Season 19 tier list – now it’s time for you to launch your chosen Legend from the dropship and battle it out to be the last one standing. Alternatively, you could practice your aim in the best FPS games on PC, or hop into one of the best co-op games with your squad to perfect those teamwork and communication skills.