Dragon Age Dreadwolf, the latest chapter in Bioware’s ever-expanding fantasy game saga, remains largely shrouded in mystery, veiled by the shadows that have become so synonymous with the woeful world of Thedas. In a recent blog post, however, the Dragon Age 4 devs have encouraged fans to ask them questions, in turn letting us shed some light on the highly anticipated sequel.
Providing fans with a detailed breakdown of how the game’s extensive skill trees will work (which look amazing, by the way), Bioware’s February 23 blog post dives into the nitty gritty game development behind the scenes, but also encourages players to get in touch with general enquiries.
“This year, we also wanted to provide you with a direct way of asking us questions,” it states, going on to highlight, “now, we can’t answer every question, but we’ll try to answer everything we can in our upcoming BGUs (Bioware Community Updates).”
Of course, it goes without saying that “questions like ‘when will the big reveal trailer drop’ and ‘when does the game come out’ are things [Bioware] will save for official announcements,” but questions about a “BGU’s topic (including past BGUs), games we’ve made, or other relevant questions that come to mind” are all welcome.

To get in touch, use #AskBioware on Twitter, which the devs state that they’ll be “keeping an eye on,” as well as the official subreddit and Discord servers.
While it seems like a small thing, Bioware’s transparency is incredibly refreshing – especially given the fact that we know next to nothing about Dreadwolf. As someone who has literally been waiting for the game since Trespasser released in 2015, I am so unbelievably excited about this – in fact, as I write this I Am The One just popped up on the playlist. Coincidence? I think not.
While I restrain myself from asking endless questions about Morrigan, the woman who inspired my online alias of Morri, I’ll be constantly checking our Dragon Age 4 release date hub ahead of launch. To tide you over until then, though, I’d recommend checking out our list of the best dragon games – after all, if you play Dragon Age you probably like dragons. Except the Archdemon, he’s not very nice.