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Baldur’s Gate 3 backgrounds - all character goals

A list of all the BG3 backgrounds and their proficiencies, including how background inspiration points and BG3 quests work for each character.

Baldur's Gate 3 backgrounds

What are the Baldur’s Gate 3 backgrounds? You’re asked to choose a background in the initial character creation and it is an important part of making the best build in Baldur’s Gate 3. Each character’s background changes how NPCs and other characters interact with you, and you’re also given special quests and inspiration points based on the background you choose, so here are all the backgrounds in BG3.

Though backgrounds aren’t limited to any of the Baldur’s Gate 3 classes or BG3 races, there are some backgrounds that complement builds. They offer BG3 proficiency to various skills and should be considered when choosing your character in Baldur’s Gate 3. You need to carefully consider your background, as you may not be able to change your mind once your character has been made.

Best BG3 background

On the surface, the best Baldur’s Gate 3 background is Criminal, thanks to its buffs to deception and stealth. However, you should take your chosen class and race into consideration as well for a well-rounded character overall.

Stealth and deception are two of the best BG3 skills, helping you affect how others see you – or don’t see you. Since BG3 abilities, backgrounds, classes, and races are all intertwined, though, we’ve got every background listed below in case you’d rather prioritize insight or animal handling.

BG3 backgrounds inspiration points and quests

You gain inspiration points whenever you perform an action that matches your background, and these points can be spent to reroll an ability check you’ve failed, as well as ticking over into experience points if you have four or more. This can be vital for getting out of sticky situations or getting that extra boost with your level up.

Selecting a background also assigns two proficiencies. These activate on relevant ability checks, requiring you to add the background bonus points to help roll one of the main stats. Also, quests throughout the game provide inspiration and experience points for you and your party, adding context to your character’s history and story.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 background goals, and proficiencies


You have spent your life in service to a temple, learning sacred rites and providing sacrifices to the god or gods you worship. Serving the gods and discovering their sacred works will lead you to Greatness.

Proficiencies: Insight (Wis) and Religion (Int)

Background goals:

  • Saving The Heretic – Learn about Maglubiyet and safely free his priest.
  • Her Gift Of Silver – Recover Selune’s lost treasure through prayer.
  • Treefather’s Sorrow – Unleash Silvanus’ curse upon the grove.
  • A Kiss Without Mercy – Endure the ritual of Loviatar until Abdirak is pleased.
  • Silvanus’ Solitude – Witness the ritual that seals off the grove from the world.
  • Last Rites Of The Dark Dancer – Complete Eilistraee’s ritual of sorrow and obtain her blessed blade.
  • A Unified Spirit – Pray with the Flaming Fists at Waukeen’s Rest.
  • The Final Scribe’s Boon – Discover Jergal’s amulet in the chapel’s hidden tomb.
  • Tipping The Scales – Earn the worship of the Kuo-Toa.
  • Fate Must Wait – Resurrect anyone in your party.
  • Justice Sees All – Discover why Anders betrayed Tyr.
  • Shatter The Moon – Destroy Selune’s protection over the Underdark fort.
  • Divinity Undone – Unlock and read the Book of Dead Gods.


You’re an expert in manipulation, prone to exaggeration and more than happy to profit from it. Bending the truth and turning allies against each other will bring you success down the road.

Proficiencies: Deception (Cha) and Sleight of Hand (Dex)

Background goals:

  • Very Important Parasite – Deceive any of the guards in the goblin camp.
  • Cheese Your Way Through – Talk your way past the bandits and enter the chapel.
  • Merciless – Manipulate the Flind into eating itself.
  • Silver Blades, Silver Tongue – Convince Kith’rak Voss to leave without violence.
  • Spiked – Poison the beer in the goblin camp.
  • Mirror Master – Trick the magic mirror in the Thayan cellar.
  • Flexible Diplomacy – Betray the tieflings after convincing them to free Lae’zel.
  • Anything For A Profit – Steal the toe ring from Crusher without getting caught.
  • Devil’s Advocate – Interrogate the dead mind flayer without drawing suspicion.
  • A Better Offer – Convince the pit spiders to attack the goblins.
  • The Importance Of Networking – Talk your way into the Zhentarim hideout.
  • One Of Us – Use the hag’s mask to peacefully bypass her thralls.
  • Just Passing Through – Trick the goblins in Moonhaven.


You have a history of breaking the law and survive by leveraging less-than-legal connections. Profiting from criminal enterprise will lead to greater opportunities in the future.

Proficiencies: Deception (Cha) and Stealth (Dex)

Background goals:

  • A Fine Fortune – Steal an item worth at least 1000 gold.
  • Friend Of The Family – Become an ally of the Zhentarim.
  • Escape Artist – Escape from jail after being arrested.
  • Slaughter’s Prize – Ally with Minthara to loot and slaughter the grove.
  • Finders Keepers – Refuse to return Barth’s locket.
  • Serpent’s Bounty – Take Zevlor’s payment for killing Kagha.
  • Blood Price – Murder an innocent civilian.
  • Heretic – Steal the Idol of Silvanus.
  • Open For A Surprise – Acquire the Iron Flask from the Zhentarim.
  • Swiftly Stolen – Steal the Duergar boots from the Gnome.
  • Jailbreaker – Smuggle Sazza out of the grove.
  • A Sound Investment – Give Mol money to found a guild in Baldur’s Gate.
  • Culling The Crowd – Use poison to kill the drunk goblins in camp.
  • Lesser Evils – Rob the enthralled fishermen.


You live to sway and subvert your audience, engaging common crowds and high society alike.

Proficiencies: Acrobatics (Dex) and Performance (Cha)

Background goals:

  • The Price Of Ink – Free Oskar the painter from the Zhentarim.
  • The Art Of Agony – Perform for Loviatar’s pleasure in her ritual.
  • Life Of The Party – Take part in the goblin camp’s toast.
  • Made You Look – Earn Mattis’ respect by taking his ring.
  • Celebrant – Enjoy a dance in camp with the Tieflings.
  • Give Them A Show – Get the goblins on your side while dueling Crusher.
  • Chicken Chase Extraordinaire – Win a match of chicken chase.
  • A Bard’s Muse – Inspire Alfira the Bard.
  • Heart Of The Creator – Perform in a play with Bernard the automaton.
  • Feel The Beat – Successfully perform on the goblin war drum.
  • A Story For The Ages – Turn someone to your side with a well-timed tale.

BG3 background character

Folk Hero

You’re a champion of the common people, challenging tyrants and monsters to protect the helpless. Saving innocents in imminent danger will make your legend grow.

Proficiencies: Animal Handling (Wis) and Survival (Wis)

Background goals:

  • Unmasking The Truth – Free one of the Hag’s masked thralls.
  • A Timely Rescue – Save Findal from the Goblins who kidnapped him.
  • The Most Unfortunate Gnome – Rescue the Gnome from his fate at the windmill.
  • Rescued From The Flames – Save whoever you can from Waukeen’s Rest.
  • Liberator – Liberate the enthralled fishermen from the Mind Flayer.
  • The Bard With Nine Lives – Rescue Volo from the goblin camp.
  • Saved By A Thread – Save Smythin from his lethal fall.
  • Fate Worse Than Death – Save Liam from his Goblin torturers.
  • Guardian Of The Forgotten – Save the Tieflings from the Goblin assault.
  • A Lethal Endeavor – Escort Baelen out of the field of Bibberbangs.
  • Snake Whisperer – Protect Arabella from Kagha and her serpent.
  • Protector Of The Small – Save Mirkon from the Harpies.
  • Soul Warden – Save Nadira from the Bugbear Assassin.

Guild Artisan

Your skill in a particular craft has earned you membership in a mercantile guild, offering privileges and protection while engaging in your art. Repairing and discovering rare crafts will bring new inspiration.

Proficiencies: Insight (Wis) and Persuasion (Cha)

Background goals:

  • In Working Order – Repair the elevator in the Zhentarim hideout.
  • The Spider’s Gift – Identify the Drow armor near Waukeen’s Rest.
  • Treasure & Tramp – Observe the effects of the Chest of the Mundane.
  • An Acquired Taste – Drink one of Auntie Ethel’s unique potions.
  • The Apprentice Turns Master – Craft Nettie’s antidote in the cauldron.
  • Valued Customer – Trade with someone who has High approval of you.
  • A New Vision – Reforge the broken spear.
  • An Artist In Need – Rescue Oskar the painter from the Zhentarim.
  • Mind Over Mushrooms – Gather ingredients for Omeluum’s potion.
  • A Golden Masterpiece – Sell an item worth at least 1000 gold.
  • The Finest Ingredients – Create a masterwork item from Sussur Bark.
  • Regeneration – Restore power to the elevator in the Arcane Tower.


You were raised in a family among the social elite, accustomed to power and privilege. Accumulating renown, power, and loyalty will raise your status.

Proficiencies: History (Int) and Persuasion (Cha)

Background goals:

  • Protector Of The Duke – Rescue Counsellor Florrick from the burning inn.
  • Lest Ye Be Judged – Learn Astarion’s history as a magistrate.
  • Noblesse Oblige – Dismiss a companion for interrupting a conversation.
  • Soul For Sale – Acquire a Soul Coin for your personal collection.
  • Blueblood Solidarity – Learn Wyll’s family history.
  • Bodyguards For Hire – Recruit the Ogres to protect you.
  • Eldritch Authority – Become a True Soul.
  • Fine By Me – Use your wealth to bribe a guard.
  • Dragon’s Horde – Have at least 2000 gold among the party.
  • A Man Of Many Talents – Expand your retinue by bringing Volo to camp.
  • Penchant For Diplomacy – Reach a High level of approval with a companion.

Baldur's Gate 3 character creator background


You grew up in the wilds, learning to survive far from the comforts of civilization. Surviving unusual hazards of the wild will enhance your prowess and understanding.

Proficiencies: Athletics (Str) and Survival (Wis)

Background goals:

  • Nest Egg – Take an item from the Carrion Crawler nest.
  • Rock Steady – Survive the bandits’ rolling boulder trap.
  • Mushroom Enthusiast – Destroy each kind of hazardous Underdark mushroom.
  • Clever Cuckoo – Steal from the giant bird’s nest in the Underdark.
  • Abyss Jumper – Enter the Underdark through the bottomless well.
  • A Noble Endeavor – Effectively use a Noblestalk mushroom.
  • Sticky Fingers – Secure the pouch from the spider crevice.
  • Cub Tamer – Successfully tame the Owlbear cub.
  • Walking On Air – Successfully use a fairy ring
  • A Mother’s Fury – Triumph over the mother Owlbear.
    Curse breaker – Discover the curse of Yeenoghu and destroy his hyenas.
  • Eyes Of The Wild – See past the illusion covering the swamp.


You are curious and well-read, with an unending thirst for knowledge. Learning about rare lore of the world will inspire you to put this knowledge to greater purpose.

Proficiencies: Arcana (Int) and History (Int)

Background goals:

  • A Natural Alliance – Recognise the druid and Harper armor.
  • The Phases Unfold – Solve the moon puzzle sealing the door to the Underdark.
  • Secrets Of The Matron – Read the obscure text by a drow matron.
  • Reanimator – Correctly follow Gale’s instructions to resurrect him.
  • The Forbidden Arcane – Read Omeluum’s notes on Illithid magic.
  • Secrets Of The Sussur Tree – Read the Treatise on Anti-Magic.
  • Secrets Of The High Chieftain – Read Volo’s Guide to Goblins.
  • Roots Of The Grove – Learn local history from the druidic frescos.
  • Secrets Of The Necromancer – Discover the strange nature of the Thayan tome.
  • All Knowledge Is Worth Having – Finish reading the Thayan tome of necromancy.
  • Secrets Of The Shadow Druids – Discover and read Faldorn’s Canticle.
  • A Solitary Spider – Read the Arachnomancer’s journals at the bottom of the well.
  • Secrets Of The Sundering– Unlock and read the Book of Dead Gods.


You are trained in battlefield tactics and combat, having served in a militia, mercenary company, or officer corps. Show smart tactics and bravery on the battlefield to enhance your prowess.

Proficiencies: Athletics (Str) and Intimidation (Cha)

Background goals:

  • Pentacrush – Kill 5 enemies in a single run
  • Stalwart Heart – Persuade Rolan to stay and protect the grove
  • Chain Of Command – Follow Flaming Fist orders at the burning inn
  • Conquer The Conquerors – Defeat the Githyanki raiding squad
  • Crow Crusher – Kill every leader in the Goblin camp
  • Warrior Of The Hells – Kill the cultist leader seeking Karlach
  • Start Them Young – Inspire the Tiefling children to train harder.
  • Drowned In The Dark – Defeat the Duergar patrolling on the Ebonlake.
  • No One Left Behind – Ensure all of the Grove’s defenders survive the first Goblin assault.
  • Strategist – Destroy a powerful foe in one strike.
  • One For The Ages – Survive a fight in which you kill ten or more enemies.


After surviving a childhood on the streets, you know how to make the most out of very little. Using your street smarts bolsters your spirit for the journey ahead.

Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand (Dex) and Stealth (Dex)

Background goals:

  • What Price Dignity? – Urchin Steal the toe ring from Crusher without getting caught.
  • Protect Your Own – Protect the child who took the locket from Barth.
  • Born Innocent – Save the Owlbear cub from the Goblins.
  • Mercenary – Get some coin out of the Zhentarim survivors.
  • The Allure Of Coin – Steal from a child charmed by Harpies.
  • Pyramid Scheme – Convince the Ogres to work for you without giving them gold.
  • Artful Dodger – Earn Mattis’ respect by taking his ring.
  • Family Comes First – Encourage Meli to tell the truth about the amulet.
  • Not On My Watch – Save Arabella from Kagha and her serpent.
  • Hunger Never Fades – Fill your plate at Raphael’s House of Hope.
  • Slaying The Piper – Rescue Mirkon from the Harpies.
  • Idolatry – Help Mol steal the Idol of Silvanus.

If you’re planning your BG3 background for your character, here are the BG3 proficiencies and when to expect the BG3 release date to arrive. We also have a list of the best RPG games if you want something to try before Baldur’s Gate 3 launches.